Akashic Records Levels 1 & 2


This workshop is designed to profoundly enhance your ability to access and navigate your Akashic Records. Together, we will delve into the depths of your personal records, interpreting and healing any aspects that have been holding you back. As we unlock the wisdom of the Akashic realm, you’ll experience a remarkable transformation—emerging lighter, re-energized, and brimming with confidence. This newfound knowledge will seamlessly integrate into your daily life, leading you to experience an increased synchronicity that aligns perfectly with your path and purpose. Join us and step into a world of deeper understanding and spiritual fulfillment. This workshop covers Level 1 and Level 2, where you will:  
  • Experience the Akashic Realm, understand what the Records are made of, meet your personal Guides, and interact with your Records 
  • Tap into the true nature of your Soul, re-visit the Sacred Spaces your Soul has inhabited and traversed, and align to your Soul’s Purpose and Highest Potential
  • Sharpen your intuition and receptivity, and apply a system to accurately interpret the Records, decipher messages, insights, symbols and metaphoric language
  • Identify and clear energetic imprints, patterns, and blocks; energetically heal past trauma and limiting beliefs, and 
  • Integrate Akashic wisdom and insights into all areas of your life, and confidently manifest better outcomes in your relationships, career, and health.
  Duration: 15 hours / 3 Days Cost $ 2000 Delivery: Live Virtual Sessions (Zoom) [June 18 – 20, July 16 – 18, Aug 13 – 15]   Level 1 of the Akashic Records workshop serves as the foundational entry point for individuals new to the concept of the Akashic Records. This level is designed to introduce you to the basics of accessing the Akashic Records, understanding their nature, and beginning to explore the personal insights these records can offer. The focus is on equipping you with the necessary tools and knowledge to start your journey into the Akashic realm with clarity and accuracy.   Level 1: Introduction to the Akashic Records   In this level, you will:  
  • Learn what the Akashic Records are made of, the history and philosophy behind them, and why they are a critical resource for personal and spiritual growth. This includes discussions on the nature of the records as a dimension of consciousness that contains all past, present, and future possibilities, and how they are experienced and perceived by humans.
  • Practice various techniques for safely accessing the Akashic Records. These methods might include guided meditations, visualization techniques, and prayer-based approaches to ensure a protected, intentional and respectful entry into the records.
  • Structure your questions and interpret the responses with precision and accuracy, understanding the symbolic language of the records, and recognizing personal guides within the Akashic realm.
  • Gain clarity into your life’s purpose, karmic patterns, and past-life influences that are impacting your current life circumstances. This is aimed at fostering self-awareness and beginning the healing process.
  • Understand and adhere to the ethical responsibilities associated with accessing the Akashic Records. This includes respecting and honoring the boundaries of privacy and consent, especially regarding accessing information related to others, and learning to use the records for healing and positive transformation rather than manipulation.
  • Practice grounding and protection techniques to ensure that interactions with the Akashic Records are conducted safely and maintain the integrity of both the practitioner and the records. This helps you manage your energy levels and protect against unwanted spiritual influences.
  • Use simple ways to integrate the insights gained from the Akashic Records into your everyday life, fostering spiritual growth and wellbeing.
  Level 1 provides and empowering and solid understanding of the Akashic Records, equipped with initial tools and techniques to continue exploring this profound resource on your own or with further guided education. This level sets the groundwork for deeper exploration in subsequent levels of the workshop series.   Level 2 of the Akashic Records workshop builds upon the foundational knowledge gained in Level 1, deepening your skills in accessing, interpreting, and utilizing the Akashic Records for more detailed personal insight and transformation. This level is designed to expand your abilities to work within the Akashic realm and to start applying these insights more broadly in your life.   Level 2: Deepening Engagement with the Akashic Records   In this intermediate level, you will:  
  • Learn more advanced techniques for accessing the Akashic Records, including deepening meditative practices, and enhancing vibrational attunement. These practices aim to facilitate clearer and more consistent connections to the Akashic realm.
  • Focus on improving the ability to interpret the complex symbolic language of the Akashic Records. You will engage in exercises that help you decipher the nuanced messages and deeper meanings found in your records.
  • Handle Complex Queries about life situations, including relationships, career paths, and life purposes. This involves learning how to phrase questions to yield the most insightful answers and how to navigate the records to address these intricate aspects of life.
  • Delve into understanding and interpreting soul contracts and karmic patterns that influence current life circumstances. You will learn techniques to identify these patterns and begin the process of healing and resolving karmic debts.
  • Heal and release blockages using the insights gained from the Akashic Records. This includes identifying and resolving emotional blockages, overcoming limiting beliefs, and healing past traumas that are stored in the Akashic Records.
  • Learn how to apply wisdom and insight from the Records to make informed decisions and enhance your relationships, career, and personal wellbeing.
  • Participate in collaborative exercises where you can share insights and experiences, learn from each other’s journeys, and interpret records under supervision. This helps to refine your skills and builds a supportive community of practice.
  Level 2 is intended to solidify your confidence and capability in working with the Akashic Records, preparing you for more advanced levels of study and practice. It encourages not only personal growth but also prepares You to begin considering how they might use these skills to assist others in their healing journeys.   Engaging with the Akashic Records offers a profound opportunity to explore the intricacies of your past lives and the myriad possibilities of your future. This exploration not only enriches your psychic practices and enhances your spiritual practice but also empowers you to make deeply informed and aligned choices for your life ahead.   When you access the Akashic Records, you are tapping into the highest possible perspective of events. The information you receive might not always be straightforwardly physical; often, it manifests in more symbolic, nuanced forms. This elevated viewpoint allows you to traverse every timeline that has contributed to imbalances in your life—be it in relationships, finances, love, or career—and realign with your future aspirations.   By revealing the absolute truth of situations and circumstances, the Akashic Records facilitate a profound level of healing and understanding. Visiting these records can be an emotionally cathartic experience, offering insights that lead to deep healing, such as understanding the underlying issues that might have led to a traumatizing outcome. The clarity gained can transform your perception, providing peace and a renewed sense of direction. Here’s how Akashic can help you live your life to the fullest.  Within them you can align with your future possibilities, have everything you want, and change what you don’t;
  • Remove all fears and live fully, no more fears of mistakes
  • Heal family lineage
  • Create a paradisical life experience
  • Manifest your greatest wishes and desires
  • Help others heal
  • Create a lucrative and meaningful career or business 
  • Remove outdated and irrelevant Soul Contracts
  • Remember and re-activate all your intuitive gifts 
  • Heal Allergies and Phobias
  • Make the most of this life and truly live your soul’s purposeÂ