Akashic Records Levels 5


Level 5 of the Akashic Records workshop represents the pinnacle of training, focusing on cosmic creatorship and mastery over the Akashic influences that shape reality in this life and the hereafter. This level is designed for those who have a profound understanding of both personal and communal Akashic work and are ready to extend their influence into the realms of cosmic consciousness.

Level 5: Mastery of Cosmic Creatorship


In this ultimate level, you will:

  • Learn advanced techniques for manifesting changes at a quantum level, leveraging the interconnectedness of all things within the Akashic field. This involves understanding and manipulating the very fabric of reality to bring about desired outcomes, aligning with both personal and universal will.
  • Develop partnerships with higher-dimensional guides and teams, meet your own Intergalactic / Cosmic Soul Group, and collaborate Higher Intelligences within the Akashic Realm
  • Discover interdimensional realms through advanced meditative and astral projection techniques, gaining insights that can be applied back in the physical world to enhance the collective spiritual journey. 
  • Explore After Life Experiences, Potentials, and Timelines, and help other gain comfort in the process of dying and rebirth.
  • Focus on aligning one’s personal vibrational frequency with cosmic frequencies to live in harmony with universal laws and principles. This includes integrating these high-level energies into everyday life to function as a living conduit of cosmic wisdom.
  • Transmit this knowledge effectively to others, preparing the next generation of Akashic Records practitioners. This includes developing educational programs and initiatives that spread the understanding and ethical use of the Akashic Records globally.

Practical Integration and Transformation

  • Master the art of Cosmic Group Journeys, which amplify healing and soul expansion in preparation for the Soul’s Journey through the Afterlife. You will learn how to manage the dynamics of Cosmic Group Journey 
  • Negotiate and rewrite karmic contracts and prepare your client for experiences in the Afterlife. This will enable you to facilitate significant shifts in the Soul’s evolutionary path and clear long-standing karmic debts.
  • Receive instruction, attunement and encoding for Reiki Master (Level 3) and Quantum Healing Techniques. 
  • Practice advanced techniques in energetic protection, ensuring that all interactions with communal Akashic Records are safe and respectful, both for the practitioner and others involved.
  • Use a systematic approach to tracking your collective experiences, recording, journaling and integrating Cosmic Group Journeys. 
  Level 5 is intended for those who are committed to using their deep knowledge and skills to shape not just their own destiny but also the destinies of others. Graduates of this level emerge as visionary leaders and spiritual pioneers, equipped with the highest knowledge and capabilities in Akashic work, ready to contribute profoundly to the spiritual evolution of the Soul.  

Duration: 15 hours / 3 Days

Cost $ 2000

Delivery: Live Virtual Sessions (Zoom) [Nov 5 – 7]